Song Power
My baby is going to be one and I have been singing her lullabies every night. One is her name song where I spell her name to the tune to It's a Small World. (It sticks in my head!) I have also sung the following song so that she learns the name of her family and where she lives in case of an emergency. In ________________, _____________________ there is a girl (city) (state) and her name is ___________________________. Her mommy's name is ______________________. Her daddy's name is _______________________. Their last name is __________________________. They love her. They love her (Sung to the tune of Hickory Dictory Dock) * mommy and daddy can be replaced by grandma and grandpa or auntie or whoever the care giver is... Every night I sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and tonight she hummed it! I was shocked! I love th...