Common Core Resources

I created my first item for Teachers' Pay Teachers!

Check out the link to my page!  I've created first grade checklists to document the following Common Core Standards:

Reading: Literature
Reading: Informational Texts
Reading: Foundational Skills
Speaking & Listening

Please give me some feedback.  I'm new to this and want to do my best!

Here are some great resources on the Common Core Standards!

Common Core Resource created by the State of Illinois
This is a great resource.  If you scroll down to the table of contents there are links for activities that correlate with the common core standards.

Read Tennessee
This website breaks down each standard.  I love that it includes the vocabulary the children need to know, what the standard is, and questions to ask,  It also provides a suggested learning progression.

Common Core Standards
This is a link to the actual standards.

PARCC and the Common Core
This is the new assessment that will be based on the Common Core Standards.

 CCSSO Council Chief State School Officers
List of resources

Cleveland Metropolitan School District
2011–2012 Scope & Sequence Guide  PreKindergarten through Grade 12
This resource is over 600 pages.  I printed pages 17-25 for first grade information.  The only drawback is that the font is very small in parts.



  1. I am about to venture into creating posters for ELA grades 9-12. Thank you for sharing this information. Your blog is so nice. Looks awesome. I'll be back soon. Keep up the great work on TpT and most important....IN YOUR CLASSROOM!

  2. Thank you! It's a work in progress...Just like our work, it's never "done." I appreciate your feedback!


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