Five for Friday

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the Five for Friday.  

1.  This is my first Five for Friday and I think it is the first time I am joining a linky party.  What fun!

2.  It's been a wacky week here in Florida.  We had Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) and Valentine's Day in the same week!  The kids were wonderful though.  I am so proud of my little angels.  They worked hard even with all the exciting activities.

3.  Today we did a fun activity on George Washington since Monday is President's Day (and we have no school-teacher work day).  I split my kids into three groups.  One team member was the scribe.  The kids decided who was the scribe with minimal guidance.  Those who wanted the job did one round of rock, paper, scissors and the scribe was chosen.  

Each group had to write down at least three things that they knew about George Washington (before we went over any information).  After a few minutes they shared what they wrote and we discussed the difference between fact and opinion.  

Next I read A Picture Book of George Washington by: David A. Adler to the class using the document camera and projector.  We did a true/false activity about George Washington and practiced looking back in the selection to verify our answer.  

After that, the children regrouped and had to list three more facts about Washington.  We then compared and contrasted their first list and their second list. 

My kids LOVE group work!  If we had more time I would have had each child produce a poster including at least two facts about George Washington.

4.  For some reason (probably the weather) I have the itch to do spring cleaning and started to do a major overhaul of my classroom yesterday.  I moved file cabinets, desks, tables, computers, etc. after school yesterday.  Luckily Monday is a teacher plan/work day so I will have a little time in the afternoon to finish up.  This weather has been so warm and wonderful and now this weekend it is going to be close to freezing again.  Either way, I need a change!

5.  Not school related...I have been undertaking a healthy lifestyle change since I have a wonderful ten month old baby girl and I want her to learn healthy habits.  For the New Year I finally dove in and I have been eating better foods.  I weigh in once a week and so far I have lost 20 pounds in the last six weeks.  It feels like it will take forever but I am not going to give up.  I need to step up my exercise!!! Right now I am debating on whether or not to create a blog about my road to a healthy lifestyle...  decisions, decisions.  I probably should just focus on this one since I love it so much!


  1. Your blog is too cute!! I love it! I'm your newest follower. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I look forward to visiting your blog again soon. :)

  2. I have been changing my eating habits as well this year! Exercising has always been a challenge for me! But I will keep working towards it. Good luck with your adventure.


    1. Thanks for the encouragement! I agree...the key is to keep working towards it. :)

  3. Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! I miss all of you guys in FL like crazy but I am thankful I actually have Presidents Day off for a change. ;)

    Extra Special Teaching

    1. I'm jealous! It's that time of year when a three day weekend would be heavenly. Thanks! It's going to be a long journey towards health but I have my little Annabelle to keep me on track. :)

  4. I am so glad that you stopped by my blog and left such a kind comment. I am a new follower of your blog! What a fun link party. I am jealous of your warm weather. Today it was finally warm enough that some of the snow we have had on the ground for several months melted away just enough to show a few blades of grass here and there. :0)Congratulations on your new get healthy journey. It sounds like you are doing a fabulous job. Take Care!

  5. Oh, I can't imagine that kind of cold! We had a temperature drop again with highs in the fifties and lows in the thirties and I am FREEZING. Snow EEEK...I just can't imagine.... Thanks for stoping by my blog!


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