Elementary Reading Center- Boggletastic! - Using the Boggle in the Classroom

Okay, as you may know already, I am on a leave of absence from teaching first grade due to my fibromyalgia flaring up.  So naturally, I am thinking about school and ideas are swirling.  One night I looked over at the Boggle game sitting on my dresser and a gazillion center / learning station ideas popped in my head.

Here are a few:

Alphabetizing Ideas

Four Corners
Each person gets a letter from the corner and the team has to put them in ABC (alphabetical order).

Four Lines
Each person alphabetizes a line

Super Challenge
Alphabetize all the letters

Word Work

Lucky Letter
Whichever letter is in the top left corner is the lucky letter.
Kids can make a list of words that start with that letter, end with that letter, or have that letter.

Rhyme time
Find a words in the mixed up letters and then write a rhyming word to go with it.

Challenge Rhyme time
Same as above but then write the rhyming words in a sentence and illustrate it.

Boggle Dictionary
Have a binder with paper in it by the game.  When kids find words in Boggle, they add the words to the Boggle Dictionary and draw or write to explain what the word is.

Title Time
Find a word in the Boggle game and then create a book cover with the word in the title.

Language Arts

Find a Noun
Shake up the letters and look for a word that is a person, place or thing.  Record on the noun sheet. Shake and repeat.  Extension ideas- After you find five nouns, put them in ABC order.  After you find ten nouns write them on index cards and sort them into categories (person, place, thing)

Find a verb and act it out.  Record your verbs on a verb hunt sheet.  Draw a picture of your teacher doing the action!

I will try to add more to the list as ideas keep coming. Please share any ideas you may have.


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