Think out of the "Box." How to Help Children Learn by Using Everyday Objects (Part 2)
The cereal box is a powerful tool for teaching in so many ways.  Here are some ideas:

  • Explain the difference between a rectangle and a rectangular prisim
  • Circle all the shapes you can find on the box and write a list to record what you found.
  • On a different day repeat the previous activity but then transfer the information into a Venn Diagram (two circles that intersect/overlap).  Write the shapes that were on both boxes in the area where the circles overlap.  That shows what was the same on both boxes.  Write what was different in the other areas.  (I will have to upload a photograph on this in the future.)
  • Discuss how rectangular prisms can stack and slide but not roll.  Test it out.  
  • Compare the size of the rectangles on the sides of the box to the front of the box.
  • Trace the box to make a large rectangle and then draw a picture using shapes you found on the box.
  • There are endless adding and subtracting activities that you can do with the contents of the box but today we are focusing on the box itself.  Count the parts of the box (edges, faces, and vertices).  Basically count the sides and the corners.  Compare boxes.  Are the results the same?  Why or why not?
  • Write an addition/subtraction story based on the picture.
  • Count all the letters on the box and subtract the vowels.
  • Add certain letters (preferably the easy to read large letters) together to make math problems.  For example ___C+____E=_____             3C+10E=13
  • Measure the box using spoons, what's inside the box, or any other household object.  
  • Cut the box apart to make counters for math problems.
  • Cut on the lines of the box so that you have several different sized rectangles.  Move them around to form a new picture.
  • Cut the box open and color the inside to make a pattern.
  • Cut the box open, cut in strips and create a number line.
  • Use the inside of the box to make a game board.  Use the scraps for game pieces.
Reading/Language Arts
  • Go on a vowel and consonant hunt
  • Write down a list of words or letters on the box and then put them in ABC order.
  • Circle all the three letter words on the box or the __________ on the box.
  • Look at all the colors used to make the picture on the box.  Write a descriptive sentence using color word.
  • Write a story about the contents of the box.
  • Use the box as a book cover.  Staple pages inside.
  • Empty the box and put in word cards.  Shake it so that words fall out.  If you can name the word you get to keep it.  If not it goes back in the box.  
  • Use the box to store books inside.
  • Make a diorama using the box.
  • Paint the box.
  • Draw a picture and then cut it apart to make a puzzle.  Practice putting it back together.  Don't draw a picture just cut apart the one provided and put it back together.
  • Cut out a rectangle and turn the box into a picture frame or even a shadow box.
  • Gather several empty boxes and build a box house.
I will definitely have to add more to these lists.  There is just so much that can be done with a box!

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