Teaching Writing Skills and Vocabulary Through Conversation - "Fans"
In this relatively short video, I model how you can use conversations to build your child's vocabulary. Through questioning and rephrasing, you are modeling appropriate language skills. This in turn improves your child's ability to write because usually if a child can say it, he/she can write it (even if words are sounded out).
In the video, I begin by asking what my daughter wants to talk about and she replies "fans." Then she goes on to say "So today we will be talking about fans." She automatically went into an introduction without even realizing she was stating the topic (probably because her mom's a teacher). By giving her a choice on the topic, she is more interested in the conversation. This builds engagement.
A little while later in the video, I state "Apparently my daughter is a fan of fans." I am intentionally modeling another way to use the word fan exposing her to mulit-meaning words (in a fun way). I tried to use a little humor to keep her engaged.
When I asked her what she liked about fans, this is leading her into provided details (another important element of writing). I then asked her about the function of a fan. When she didn't know what function meant, I knew this was a teachable moment where I can help build her vocabulary. I guided her thinking through questions and then asked her to provide more examples.
Towards the end I provided the sentence stem "Now we know..." and she was able to complete it. I know this is not the strongest ending but it provides structure.
If I was going to have her write about this, I would model putting all the information she just gave me into a thinking map and then ask her to tell me about fans just like she did during our conversation referencing the thinking map.
This then would be transferred over to writing.
I hope you enjoyed watching our video. It was super fun to make!
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