Venn Diagrams

Sorting Rings 

Venn Diagrams are a useful tool in just about every subject area.  This tool enables children to compare and contrast objects or concepts.  Graphic organizers help children visualize concepts.  I have a set of the sorting rings pictured above that I absolutely love.  I use them to teach whole group lessons as well as place them in a center for the children to apply what they learned.  I have children either sort objects or words/phrases written on index cards.


Compare/Contrast two characters
Compare/Contrast two versions of the same story (e.g. The Gingerbread Man)
Sort by number of syllables
Sort by word endings

Sort objects by color, size, shape
Sort solids by roll, stack, slide
Sort numbers by number of digits
Sort addition and subtraction problems

Compare/Contrast two animals (e.g. bird and bat)
Compare/Contrast two habitats
Compare/Contrast two seasons

Social Studies
Compare/Contrast two holidays
Compare/Contrast two famous historical figures
Compare/Contrast national monuments
Compare/Contrast long ago and today

Sort types of sentences ., ?, !
Sort phrases and complete sentences
Sort types of nouns (person, place, or thing)
Sort synonyms-Start by having two headings like happy and sad.  Next sort words under each of the headings.  Words that do not fit can go in the middle. (content, despondent, joyful, melancholy, scared, frightened)

Here are some links to online resources for creating Venn Diagrams.  They work well with smartboards but can also be printed for students to have a paper copy. 



If you do not have the big rings, you can always make your own by cutting out circles/rings and laminating them.   It might be neat to create a student sized set for each child to have their own or work with a partner.  Hmmm...I'm getting a new idea that I might try this year!

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